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Sexy. Strong. Stylish. Confident.
#BluebellaAF | Meet Ali Tate-Cutler

Written by - Bluebella
Ali Tate-Cutler (@ali_tate_cutler) is a model, podcast host, and entrepreneur who embraces self-love and female empowerment to the fullest.

We first had the pleasure of working with Ali as part of our #LoveYourself campaign, where she became the first ever ‘plus-size’ model to appear in the window of Victoria’s Secret, and so it was only natural we caught up with her to see what she’s been up to recently.

As well as launching a self-help and wellness podcast series ‘The Love You Give’, Ali continues to inspire her community across the globe, encouraging them to rid self-limiting beliefs and be happy and free in their bodies. It’s safe to say we adore this beautiful human.

First things first, please introduce yourself!

Hi! My name is Ali Tate I’m a model, podcast host of The Love You Give, soon to be skincare business owner, double Cancer and health coach.

Tell us, what makes you feel empowered in your body and sexuality?

I feel empowered when I honor my body with movement and exercise. I love going to weightlifting and how I feel just after! When I lift heavy weights, for the rest of the week my body feels like an Amazonian woman.

You’ve become an advocate for the body positivity movement. What is your advice to anyone that might be struggling to feel body positive right now?

The body-love journey is just that - a journey. No matter how much you rewire your brain to overcome conditioning, we all must be patient with ourselves. There isn’t a magic recipe or an overnight success story for loving our bodies. It takes time and practice.

A lot more women are using their platform to talk openly about their relationship with their body and their sexuality. How do you think this could help empower other women and young girls?

I love that women are feeling comfortable enough to talk about their sexuality. That’s often been missing from the feminist talks! Demystifying sexuality is one of the best things we can do for female empowerment.

What impact does lingerie have in helping you feel your most confident self?

I love getting dressed up in lingerie for a special treat. Not only for my partner who I’ve been with for 11 years (just to spice things up!) but also for me. It helps me connect with my sensuality and that inner Sex Goddess that lays within me. Sexual energy is incredibly healing and we would all do well from connecting with our sacred sexuality more.
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